The Czech Environmental Partnership foundation (Nadace Partnerství) in collaboration with the City of Prague and NGO AutoMat with financial support of „Mobility change, not climate change (Cyclurban+)“ project organized an international seminar for professionals featuring trends in development of cycling during the Covid-19 pandemic in the European cities as well as the use of data for development of cycling in Czech cities and E-cargo bike city logistics. The event, together with a Critical mass ride through Prague, was part of celebrations of the World Bicycle Day, an international event organized by the UN since 2018.  Almost 90 participants of the hybrid gathering from Czech cities, regions, NGO s as well as from cycling industry met in Centre of Architecture and City Planning (CAMP) in Prague, June 3. The event was held under the auspices of Prague deputy mayor of Transport, Mr. Adam Scheinherr.

The seminar was opened by mr.Scheinherr with information on post-covid increase of cycling and plans for further development of cycling in Prague (+38% in 2020). Another introductory presentation was dedicated to the celebration of the World Bicycle Day and the importance of cycling by the head of the UN information center in Prague, Michal Broža. Then the ECF representative Holger Haubold presented the situation with cycling in European cities and investments into cycling in EU countries and EU funds available for cycling. The brand new research by the Ustí n.L. based UJEP University, on mobility behaviour of Czechs during the pandemic was introduced by Hana Brůhová-Fotýnová. Representative of Norwegian embassy in Prague, Geir Bekkevold, showed cycling measures and best practise of cycling cities Oslo and Stavanger. Luboš Kala from Partnerství, o.p.s. and the Prague representative David Horatius presented methods and results of monitoring of cyclists and pedestrians in Czechia and Prague. The Dutch mobility urbanist Marjolein de Lange introduced the challenges and opportunities in improving main city streets for cyclists in a case study of Amsterdam. The morning sessions closed by inspiring presentation of Thomas Böhmer from German ADFC on “Fahrradklimatest”, perceived comfort of cycling measures by users in German cities. Michal Šindelář of Nadace Partnerství presented similar test called “Cyklobarometr” which was inspired by the German counterparts and its challenges in Czechia.

The afternoon sessions of the seminar were dedicated to e-cargo bikes and city logistics. Michal Šindelář, Daniel Duriš of Slovak Cyklokoalicia and Janus Tamm from the City of Tartu presented the Cyclurban+ public cargo bike rental schemes from Brno, Bratislava and Tartu. Mr. Sobčák from the City of Prague presented the first cargo bike depot and its future perspectives. The block of presentation was finalized by the experience of cargo bike provider and manufacturer of e-cargo bikes for short deliveries in Prague, Jiří Štrupl. The seminar finished with Swedish experience gathered on all discussed topics during the covid lockdown by Michael Kaucký of Gothenborg.

The recording of whole event is available at youtube: Cycling in the post-covid era 1 (morning part) and Cycling in the post-covid era 2 (afternoon part) All presentations are available here.

The World Bicycle Day in Prague finished with the Critical mass ride through the city Centre with 520 participants including 5 European embassies.

Pictures: Richard Nebesky

Daniel Mourek, Nadace Partnerství