The Czech Environmental Partnership foundation (Nadace Partnerství), in collaboration with the City of Prague, with financial support of the Project „Mobility change, not climate change (Cyclurban+)“ funded by the European Climate Initiative (EUKI) organized a seminar for professionals on the use of data for the development of cycling in cities. Almost 70 participants from Czech cities, regions, NGO’s and from the cycling industry met in the Centre of Architecture and City Planning (CAMP) in Prague, June 16. The event was held under the auspices of the vice mayor of Prague, responsible for Transport, Mr. Adam Scheinherr.

The seminar was opened by a representative of the City of Prague who announced post-covid investments of 170 million CZK (more than 8 million Euros) into the cycling infrastructure in 2020. He furthermore announced a monitoring system for cycling in Prague which includes 30 automated counters. Another introductory presentation was dedicated to safety and cycling and “Vision Zero”. Afterwards the organizer of the seminar presented the current monitoring of cyclists and pedestrians in Czechia as well as the latest methods of data collection and evaluation in Czech cities. Representatives of Prague and Pardubice focused on the evaluation of data on cycling with different technologies and the development of cycling during the corona lockdown.

The international speaker from the French based company Eco-counter held a video presentation on the approach of the French cities Grenoble and Paris during the corona crisis. Their approach included measures like pop-up bike lanes and other initiatives that boost cycling.

The afternoon sessions of the seminar presented additional modern methods of data collection and evaluation with camera systems, heat maps, and apps from bike-sharing companies or from the participants of the nationwide campaign By bike to work, which managed to attract over 16.000 participants during the Czechian lockdown in May 2020. The City of Prague presented the public online platform Golemio which includes frontend data from counters.

The whole event was also live-streamed on Youtube and all presentations are available online.

Author of this text: Daniel Mourek, Nadace Partnerství